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New Arrivals!

Offers and sales!

Hair Gel: ksh 700 Ksh500 Store: Carrefour
Dhara: Ksh2000 to Ksh 1500
Store: Tuskys
Dog feed bowl Ksh.1000 to Ksh.750
Store: Naivas
baby oil: Ksh200 to Ksh125
Store: Naivas

tuna: Ksh.1200 to Ksh.1000
store: Carrefour
Idli spice: ksh 200 to Ksh 50
Store: Tuskys
PS4 pro:ksh 60,000 to Ksh 40000
Store: Naivas
iPhone charger ksh 1000 to Ksh 500
Store: Naivas
Free country-wide delivery

Free delivery on *most* items meeting Ksh2500 minimum and an extended 30-day window for returns. Your favorite one-stop shop just became even better

Free Returns

All product(s) are eligible for Free Returns.
No minimum purchase is required to receive Free Returns.

24h Fast Support

support service are provided 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. This includes an array of IT services – like service monitoring, call center support, delivery support and so on ensuring that our services are running without disruption and downtime.

About Us

Ever bought something at a store and found the exact same item for a lower price at a different store?

Well Allshop is all about it!

Here at Allshop we create a platform to view prices at different stores, of a similar item.
We provide comparison, accessibilty, and updates on Sale offers and New arrivals.

Let us be your Digital Cart to help you shop right!

Get in Touch📝

Delivery & Returns Hotline📞
  • Phone Number: +2541234567
  • Email Address:
General Inquiries📞
  • Phone Number: +2541234567
  • Email Address: